I've been tagged by romance author Jan Romes (http://janromes.com) to answer the following questions, so here goes:
1.) What is the one book you couldn't live without?
I absolutely can’t pick just one…books are kind of like potato chips that way!
2.) What can you see out your window at the moment?
The neighbor’s handyman sitting on her deck listening to music and drinking a beer instead of working on her steps. Of course, she isn’t home so she’ll never know LOL.
3.) What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Having married into an Italian family, they eat some pretty weird things, at least from the perspective of my sheltered meat and potatoes upbringing. One night there was a
buffet. I saw these nice little circular pastas in tomato sauce. Afterwards I mentioned
to my husband that the pasta was a bit too ‘al dente’ for my taste. His response? Probably because it wasn't pasta, it was squid.
4.) What fictional character would you most like to marry?
Oh that’s a tough one! I guess since this is purely fantasy I’ll go for the bad boy and say one of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood brothers. I’m not especially particular as they
are all quite appealing, but if I must narrow it down, I’ll go with Vishous, Tohr, or Wrath.
5.) If ever a fictional villain was going to win, who would you want it to be?
I can’t really think of one that I’d want to win over the hero, but there are a few that I would like to see redeem themselves and come over to the good side.
6.) How many types of cheese can you name off the top of your head?
Quite a few, actually. LOVE cheese…not the best news for my occasionally lactose intolerant stomach though!
7.) If you didn't want to be a writer, what would you be?
Well, I’m already a nurse, but I think I would also love to be a photographer…or maybe an archeologist. Or maybe an archaeological photographer?
8.) Can you play a musical instrument?
I can play a few…piano, guitar, violin…badly. My husband and son are the musical ones in the family. I’m really good at singing off key, however!
9.) Do you own a Kindle or any sort of e-reader?
I own a Nook color…wasn’t sure I would like it. I really love holding a book in my hands when reading and didn’t think I would care for an e-reader. I couldn’t have been more wrong! I
love it and have probably read more in the year since I bought it than I have in the last five years put together.
10.) If so, how many books do you have on it?
Last time I checked…about 400?
11.) You just got published. In a glowing review, someone calls you the next (insert name of famous author). Which author has to watch their back now you're on the scene?
I think I’ll steal Jan Rome’s answer for this one…There are so many wonderful authors whose work I love and admire, but no one has to watch their back where I'm concerned. LOL I'd be happy to share the Best Seller's lists with all the great authors.
There - answered them all!
And now I'm tagging the following bloggers with the challenge to
answer the same questions:
J.M. Kelly
1.) What is the one book you couldn't live without?
I absolutely can’t pick just one…books are kind of like potato chips that way!
2.) What can you see out your window at the moment?
The neighbor’s handyman sitting on her deck listening to music and drinking a beer instead of working on her steps. Of course, she isn’t home so she’ll never know LOL.
3.) What's the weirdest thing you've ever eaten?
Having married into an Italian family, they eat some pretty weird things, at least from the perspective of my sheltered meat and potatoes upbringing. One night there was a
buffet. I saw these nice little circular pastas in tomato sauce. Afterwards I mentioned
to my husband that the pasta was a bit too ‘al dente’ for my taste. His response? Probably because it wasn't pasta, it was squid.
4.) What fictional character would you most like to marry?
Oh that’s a tough one! I guess since this is purely fantasy I’ll go for the bad boy and say one of J.R. Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood brothers. I’m not especially particular as they
are all quite appealing, but if I must narrow it down, I’ll go with Vishous, Tohr, or Wrath.
5.) If ever a fictional villain was going to win, who would you want it to be?
I can’t really think of one that I’d want to win over the hero, but there are a few that I would like to see redeem themselves and come over to the good side.
6.) How many types of cheese can you name off the top of your head?
Quite a few, actually. LOVE cheese…not the best news for my occasionally lactose intolerant stomach though!
7.) If you didn't want to be a writer, what would you be?
Well, I’m already a nurse, but I think I would also love to be a photographer…or maybe an archeologist. Or maybe an archaeological photographer?
8.) Can you play a musical instrument?
I can play a few…piano, guitar, violin…badly. My husband and son are the musical ones in the family. I’m really good at singing off key, however!
9.) Do you own a Kindle or any sort of e-reader?
I own a Nook color…wasn’t sure I would like it. I really love holding a book in my hands when reading and didn’t think I would care for an e-reader. I couldn’t have been more wrong! I
love it and have probably read more in the year since I bought it than I have in the last five years put together.
10.) If so, how many books do you have on it?
Last time I checked…about 400?
11.) You just got published. In a glowing review, someone calls you the next (insert name of famous author). Which author has to watch their back now you're on the scene?
I think I’ll steal Jan Rome’s answer for this one…There are so many wonderful authors whose work I love and admire, but no one has to watch their back where I'm concerned. LOL I'd be happy to share the Best Seller's lists with all the great authors.
There - answered them all!
And now I'm tagging the following bloggers with the challenge to
answer the same questions:
J.M. Kelly